Node.js is a very popular scripting language that is primarily used for server-side scripting requirements. It has numerous benefits compared to other server-side programming languages out there, the most noteworthy one being the non-blocking I/O.
Synchronous functions are mainly used for I/O operations. They are instantaneous in providing a response to the data movement on the server and keeping up with the data as per the requirements. If there are no responses, the API will throw an error.
On the other hand, asynchronous functions, as the name suggests, work on the basis of not being synchronous. Here, HTTP requests, when pushed, will not wait for a response to begin. Responses to any previous requests will be continuous, even if the server has already gotten the response.
Next among the Node JS questions, you have to learn about the control flow function.
Node.js follows an event-driven architecture where asynchronous operations are managed through event loops. It uses callback functions to handle events and execute non-blocking I/O operations efficiently.
npm stands for Node Package Manager. It is a package manager for Node.js that is used to install and share packages/modules. To install packages, you use the “npm install” command followed by the package name. For example, “npm install express” installs the Express framework.
Errors in Node.js can be handled using “try-catch” blocks for synchronous code and “.catch()” method for promises. Additionally, you can use error-handling middleware in frameworks like Express to handle errors in middleware and route handlers.
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